event2mobile is Now e2m.live

E2M Rebranding

E2M Rebranding

As we step into 2019, event2mobile will be 9 years old. Much has changed in the event industry, and much has changed in the event2mobile platform. What was once a way to simply bring your event to the mobile platform is now an exhaustive suite of tools to promote and manage events, to create engagement, facilitate networking, generate feedback and so much more.

event2mobile was a great name. We loved it. But it was a name for another era. It wasn’t a name that reflected the dynamic, changing nature of the current product, or the industry around it.

However, event2mobile has evolved. It is a more powerful, flexible and feature-rich than it ever was. e2m.live will have a number of new features for event organizers, exhibitors and attendees. Features like…

Personalized push notifications based on segments – We’re taking push notifications to the next level with hyper-personalization and segmentation. Want to send an update to all attendees? You can do that. Want to send a notification ONLY to attendees over thirty-five who have participated in less than six sessions and haven’t opened the app in an hour? You can do that too!

Polls at scale – Live polls are great because results are instantaneous and in real time. We made sure e2m.live can handle literally hundreds of thousands of responses. Nope, we’re not kidding. Check it out.

Dynamic Q and A – With the new Q and A feature in e2m.live, it is easy for speakers to crowdsource questions through the app itself, making for dynamic, engaging sessions with plenty of audience feedback.

“Live” is energy. “Live” is electricity. “Live” is the exhilarating feeling of flying the seat of the pants, the feeling of innovation and excitement. It reflects how the events industry, more than ever, is all about the here-and-now. Immediate engagement, immediate feedback, and immediate excitement. All of that is encapsulated in the word “Live”.

So, event2mobile is now e2m.live. All that we were before, plus all that we are going to be. And from everyone here at e2m.live, thank you for being with us for so long, and thank you for joining us on this continuing journey, under a new name.

For a guided tour of e2m.live, fill up a small form and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy!

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