Impacts of GDPR on Events Industry & How to Comply with Them



Data breach. Two words have set the alarm bells ringing in the world of event planning and management. With recent data breach controversies involving corporate giants like Yahoo and Facebook, there is no room for laxity. As an event organizer, you should be more careful about data control, management and transfer.

The governments across the world are implementing new data security laws. One such important data security regulation is GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). As an event organizer, you must know more about new data security rules, evaluate the impact of such rules on events industry and based on that, prepare a robust action plan.

New Rules of Data Security

Let us take a quick look at GDPR:

  • Personal data shared by EU citizens fall within the ambit of GDPR.
  • It oversees the transfer of data outside EEA (European Economic Area).
  • GDPR is not defined by geographical boundaries. It is applicable to all those events which involve EU citizens.
  • Any violation will draw heavy penalties.

Impact of GDPR on Events Industry

In order to comply with GDPR, you should take the following measures:

  • Transform the techniques of data collection.
  • Modify the marketing strategies.
  • Change the methods of data sharing with third-party organizations.
  • Implement a robust compliance mechanism.

Features of A Successful Action Plan  

The action plan should aim at:

  • Building a core group: You should delegate compliance responsibilities to this core group.
  • Creating awareness: If necessary, arrange workshops for awareness campaigns. Encourage members of your organization to participate in them. Focus on compliance rules, key penalties and strategies for data management.
  • Having up-to-date registration forms: Event registration forms should comply with new regulations. You should explain the processing procedures and the objectives of data collection. Wherever possible, seek an unambiguous consent.
  • Leaving no doubt about individual rights: Double-check the right to data portability and information accessibility.
  • Defining the procedures of data breach management: Focus on developing a robust detection mechanism for a data breach.
  • Enhancing the security of confidential data: Confidential information should be stored in secured databases or encrypted files.

For your event to succeed, you need to make your attendees feel secure, and we don’t just mean physically. You need to reassure them that their personal data is in good and safe hands, which is why you need a platform that offers the highest standards in data security.

event2mobile keeps attendee data safe and encrypted at every level, providing enterprise-grade security. We count some of the world’s leading banks and financial institutions among our customers. event2Mobile is also GDPR compliant. All these combined features of event2Mobile app platform would help you enhance the credibility of your event. Contact us for a free demo.

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