Think You Are Using Secure Event Apps? Think Again!

Imagine that you are a well-known event management company. Your Fortune 500 client has given you the responsibility of hosting their annual shareholder’s conference.

Unknown to most of the attendees, the upper echelons of management has a surprise in store for them. They are planning to roll out a disruptive innovation. They hope that, in the coming few years, this new product of theirs will become the flagship proposition of the company (think Steve Jobs at the Apple-iPhone launch of 2007).

A week before the event, the backend data from your app is breached. The hush-hush launch information is leaked to the press and public, complete with all the product details and specifications!

With more and more organisers adapting app technology to add value to their event proposition, Secure Event Apps are important to sponsors and participants alike.

Outdated app safeguards can irreparably damage the reputation of the organisers. It can permanently put off any prospects and deter them from ever attending events organized by the same sponsors again.

Data encryption

The data that is typically shared with an app includes information such as attendee names and email addresses. This data is stored on a server at a physical location. Whether the information is stored somewhere or is being exchanged between networks, said data must be protected by way of encryption.

When adapting an event app, one has to be mindful of tech solutions that use data-encryption methodologies as per industry best practices. This ensures that the information that is shared with the app or through it is not abused.

Reputable partners

If you are looking to collaborate with an enterprise software company for an event app, your prospective partner must have a reputation beyond reproach in the industry. Conventionally, enterprise mobility players who have been around for decades are a secure bet.

Seasoned professionals usually have a portfolio to boast of. More often than not, they will have successfully executed projects with Fortune 500 or Blue Chip companies. Visit the gallery section of any of their websites and you will be greeted with photos from coveted global events where their event app was used.


Authorities are no longer oblivious to the immense power that sinister individuals can unleash on unsuspecting netizens. Consequently, stringent regulations have now been put into place to check how digital apps function, how they secure user information and what they do with the said data.

Non-compliant actors face severe financial penalties. They can even lose their licenses to operate.

Event apps that are integrated with payment gateways have to be PCI compliant to process credit cards. Most quality event apps possess security certificates. They are accredited by frameworks such as ISO 27001, SOC 1 or SOC 2.

Security is of prime concern to any organizer. Event mobility sponsors who can secure their digital apps enjoy an edge over their competitors. If you are looking to secure your upcoming event using our custom branded app services, please give us a call today.

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