3 Ways to Boost Event Engagement with Gamification & AR

WS blog for gamification and AR games

WS blog for gamification and AR games

By fueling the spirit of competition, event organizers can ensure more engagement.

No wonder why we see the spiraling popularity of gamification and AR or augmented reality in the event industry. Event organizers are exploring all facets of gamification and adding more innovations.

How gamification can engage more event attendees?

While we search for the answer, one of our earlier projects caught our attention. Why? Let’s find out.

1. A fun outdoor event in Ibiza- the case study on event gamification and AR

Gamification and AR event app solutions can boost event engagement and can be equally effective for indoor and outdoor events. Web Spiders Group came up with a mega scavenger hunt competition for one of its clients who had organized a fun outdoor event in Ibiza, Spain. The AR game was an integral feature of the event app.

Attendees looked out for QR codes throughout the event venue and were redirected to the clues. They could track their positions on leaderboards.

800 total number of players and 600+ active players at a given time- the event game was an overall success for all.

2. AR games like ‘Pokemon Go’ inspire event attendees to carry out philanthropy

The overwhelming success of ‘Pokemon Go Earth Day Clean Up’ event on April 22nd, 2018 further reduced the distance between the virtual and real worlds. A series of such events saw the participants contributing to social causes like the collection of garbage and its safe disposal etc.

While the core intention of this event was to raise awareness of environmental causes, event participants were also able to make real-life changes by donating to ‘Mission Blue Foundation’.

‘Mission Blue Foundation’ is dedicated to raising public awareness for marine protected areas and ensuring worldwide support for the cause.

Collection of debris from public places requires a significant amount of work. By unlocking a particular Earthday avatar, a player unlocked in-game reward points which included a certain number of players thereby spreading awareness.

3. Enhance the scopes for networking with the aid of gamification

Many event organizers have used games to break the ice between attendees and disarm even the shyest of the participants. Even silliest of the games can tickle the funny bones of participants.

There are some specialties of event networking games. Let’s check them in the following points:

  • The main challenge is to create networks.
  • Rules are developed to support networking.
  • With the attainment of event goals, points and prizes are rewarded to participants.

Most networking games run on some common rules like attendees are given queries, clues, and passcodes. Participants can share their passcodes after interacting with other players.

Networking games can initiate conversations among sponsors, vendors, attendees, and delegates. Such games select some topics of discussion wherein, participants interact after a predetermined number of topics were discussed.

e2m event gamification and AR can ensure a greater event engagement. What you’ve to do is to drop a few lines on our website, specify your preferred time of a call and we’ll get back to you in no time. Please mention if you need a free demo or not.

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